Thursday, April 22, 2010


A south east Asis tsunami with a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, struck on December 26, 2004, and affected eleven countries, killing over more than 225,000 people. This tsunami mainly effected countries around the Indian Ocean.


Tsunamis are occuring near Sri Lanka and on near the border of Malaysia and Thailand. The tsunami that occured on December 26, 2004 was one of the biggest tsunamis. It struck Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangledesh, and Maldives.


When tsunamis started to occour, people begun to start writing books and figuring out ways they could prevent major destruction from the seas deadly waves. Warning systems were built to help the cause. The tsunami that took place on December, 26, 2004, caused a big destruction in countries around India.

  • Feb. 27, 2010- HAWAII, TSUNAMI HITS.
  • May 22, 1960- TSUNAMI IN CHILE.


Much of the envirement and was destroyed on the day that the December 26 tsunami hit. Sri Lankas plants and some animals were killed. More than 130,000 people died. In Thailand 5,395 were confirmed dead. Sri Lanka had the highest death toll. Many homes were destroyed leaving the people from all the places that were hit devastated. As the months passed the goverment began was forced to count all the dead bodies in the mass grave. The tsunami that hit caused the tourism to not be so popular, and people lost there jobs due to the economy going down. The money that people were earning at there jobs was going down as well, the GDP was decreasing and the amount of income as well. The tsunami that occured caused major problems, and it also left so much destruction to pick up afterwords.

1. People are concerned about there houses. Will there house ever be rebuilt or will they have to move and rebuild? Many people face having to leave and start all over again.
2. When the tsunamis hit, and everything was destroyed, one of the major concerns was will hit again?, and what will they do for food. How are they going to live without any of there personal belongings?
3. The last concern to people is, will they have a better system of warning the people when a tsunami will hit again!. There was no warning for the tsunami that hit Sri Lanka.


Tsunamis cause big destruction. People who live in areas where they were hit could possibly get hit again since they live in areas where seismic waves are huge. The people of Sri Lanka and other countries of Southeast Asia, in the future might want to move since disaster might strike again. The tsunami that occured in December of 2004 was a different kind of tsunami because there was not any warning of it coming. The reocurrence of a tsunami coming back and hitting again is quite high. A bitter lesson was learned, the tsunamis do occur in this region.

Big Picture

Tsunamis start off as a little earthquake, landslide or volcanic eruptions under the sea. They usually strike at coasts, destroying homes, ecosystems, human/animal life and much more. What we need to do is plan for the future. One way is by looking at scientific recordings on the earths crust and sea level to see if there is any activity that would cause a tsunami.. The more you plan for it, the more you know on how hard it is going to hit, and how to avoid it- saving thousands of lives.